Drorys • Packlist | WORK WITH US
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Discover with us
the value of passion.

We are always looking for people interested in a professional collaboration with our company, but also to those that like us they love their jobs.

We invest
in your future.

In a period of revival of national companies we believe it is time to invest in human resources to an expansion of our sales network. We cater to professionals operating in the printing industry and communication, interested in joining our staff and to follow with us the paths of growth made possible by a constant commitment to the job.

Graphical and
print Centers.

You designed labels for your customers, and you don’t know where to print them? You received the request for the creation of labels and you don’t have the right equipment? Our experts will recommend the best solution for your customers in terms of cost and print technology.

Sales agents.

You are a dynamic and professional with a strong work ethic? You have a good predisposition to the challenges and working to achieve? Our company can offer you an opportunity for economic growth and professional and a career based on the individual results.


Send us your application.

If your profile is of interest for the position sought will be contacted by our staff to arrange a meeting at our offices.